Flachau spring water, the elixir of life

We all know that drinking water is healthy! An adult should drink about two to three litres of water a day: it activates the circulation and metabolism. Water supplies the body with important minerals such as magnesium, calcium and sodium. It makes you beautiful from the inside, and it helps remove toxins from your body. And as so often in life, it’s very simple: if something tastes good to us, then we consume more of it. What a piece of luck that the best spring water consistently comes fresh and always available from the tap!


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Our great treasure: the Marbach spring

so precious
Familien Urlaub in den Salzburger Bergen - Flachau Wanderparadies ©  Flachau Tourismus

Flachau gets its high-quality drinking water from the Marbach spring. This originates at the end of the valley of the same name. At the spring, which is fed by the mountains and peaks of the surrounding Lower Tauern, between 130 and 1,000 litres of the precious water bubble forth per second – depending on the weather conditions and season. The full catchment area of the spring covers an area of approximately 2,700 hectares – mainly uncultivated land and moderately-farmed alpine areas. This is the reason why the water from the Marbach spring is of very high purity. Some of the spring water is diverted from Flachau for use as local drinking water. The remaining water flows via the Marbach and the Pleislingbach streams into the Enns. With Flachau, the municipalities of Eben im Pongau and St. Johann im Pongau are also supplied with the high-quality water.



Strict quality controls for the best water

To ensure the excellent quality of the water from the Marbach spring, it is regularly subjected to strict controls. For this purpose, chemical-physical and bacteriological water samples are taken and examined. The result: the water from the Marbach spring has a high natural purity, which is due to the protective measures in the catchment area and the filtering effect of the rock. The measures which have been stipulated in the protected area protect the water from the Marbach spring and therefore ensure the quality of drinking water. Our water has significantly low nitrate values and an optimum water hardness/PH value.


Water-rich Flachau: the source of the Enns.

Lebenselixier Wasser - Flachaus größter Schatz, die Marbach-Quelle ©  Flachau Tourismus

The Enns rises at an altitude of 1,783 meters in the scenically beautiful Oberennsalm at the foot of the Ennskraxn. It meanders gently over the Ennsalmen into the valley and joins the Ennslehenbauer with the Pleisling, into which the Marbach – that is, the drinking water from the Flachau spring – also flows about eight kilometres upstream. With a length of 254 kilometres in three federal states, the Enns is Austria’s longest river: from its origins in the Salzburg region of Flachau, it meanders towards Styria, to Schladming and Admont. The Enns then continues to Steyr in Upper Austria, where it finally flows into the Danube in the city of the same name. The ancient Celts and Romans were impressed by the mighty Enns, which they called Enisa, and created fascinating road and route systems in the places surrounding the river. To this day, countless names and archaeological finds bear witness to this.


Those who drink our tap water also drink sustainable water

Urlaubsspaß mit der ganzen Familie in Flachau ©  Flachau Tourismus

And yet our Flachau water not only impresses in terms of its taste, pleasure and health. Drinking the water from the taps here also brings decisive advantages in terms of sustainability: people who drink local water which does not travel over long distances avoid waste, protect resources and make an important contribution to reducing the CO2 footprint.