
Folk music evening Flachauer autumn

at 11.09.2024 , Wednesday

Traditional Tunes and Socializing: Opening Night of the 'Flachauer Herbstgsang' with the Hollerschnapszuzlern and the Goiserer Klarinettenmusi"

Opening night of the new event series "Flachauer Herbstgsang", taking place from September 11th to 15th, 2024 in Flachau. An original folk music evening featuring the legendary "Hollerschnapszuzlern" and the "Goiserer Klarinettenmusi" from the Salzkammergut region, who captivate the audience like few others with their music, clapping, and yodeling. Dialect readings and communal singing of yodels and tunes under professional guidance complement the traditional evening. Afterwards, a cozy conclusion with music and local specialties of the region, lovingly prepared by the Flachau farmers.

For more information about the "Flachauer Herbstg'sang" including yodeling hikes, folk song afternoons at Höch Castle with the formation of a dedicated project choir, a singers & musicians gathering, a lively autumnal dumpling party, and the crowning finale at the Flachau Harvest Festival, visit http://www.herbstgsang.at/


11.09.2024 - 19:00

Eventvenue / Meeting point

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Schloss Höch