More informations
Start Tourist Information Flachau - on the village road Flachau direction traffic circle at the entrance of Flachau - at the traffic circle straight through (second exit) direction Reitdorf - after the municipal office Reitdorf right direction Altenmarkt - after the highway underpass (km 5) left (direction company Atomic) - at the hotel Kesselgrub left over level crossing direction Eben - through the village Eben - approx. 3 kilometers after the village Eben turn right into the Lammertal (Brunnhäusl) - through the villages of St. Martin / Lungötz / Annaberg / Abtenau / Scheffau to Golling - 1 km before entering Golling turn left towards Pass Lueg - over Pass Lueg to Bischofshofen - 2 kilometers before the village of Bischofshofen turn left towards Pöham (Fritztal) - over the villages of Pöham / Hüttau / Niedernfritz / Eben / Altenmarkt back to Flachau
Translated with (free version)
A basic equipment:
- protective gear
- enough to drink and eat for inbetween
- sunglasses, optionally sun cream or rain cover
- mobile phone
A basic equipment:
- protective gear
- enough to drink and eat for inbetween
- sunglasses, optionally sun cream or rain cover
- mobile phone
Parking space near the starting point.
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