• In a inner world | F. OBERREITER & TRIO DANUVIO


Inner Melodies of May: Works by L. Spohr, L. v. Beethoven, R. Schumann, C. Debussy, and More

May is a time when everything strives, grows, and flourishes outwardly. Often, one forgets about the things that do not reach the outside but remain hidden within. With the six German songs by Louis Spohr, Trio Danuvio embarks on a journey precisely there – "into an inner world" of secret dreams, intimate feelings, and concealed desires, complemented by diverse solo contributions on the piano.

Performing are Florian Oberreiter (piano) from Flachau, Annie Gschwendtner (soprano), and Linda Gilbert (clarinet) from Vienna. Piano Solo: Florian Oberreiter, Trio Danuvio: Annie Gschwendtner – Soprano, Linda Gilbert – Clarinet, Florian Oberreiter – Piano

Kulturverein Schloss Höch

Gemeindestraße 73
5542, Flachau
+43 6457 225013 info@schloss-hoech.at http://www.schloss-hoech.at


Schloss Höch
Höchweg 1
5542 Flachau

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