
Herz-Jesu-Prozession mit Konzert der Trachtenmusikkapelle

at 29.06.2025 , Sunday
Procession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

On Sunday, 29.06.2025 there will be a mass in the parish church in Flachau at 08:15 am followed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus procession with all of Flachau's traditional associations through the town center. Afterwards, everyone goes to the Flachauer Gutshof, where the Flachau traditional music band performs a morning pint concert.


29.06.2025 - 08:15

Eventvenue / Meeting point

Flachauer Gutshof Musistadl - Hartl

Pichlgasse 15
5542, Flachau
0043 6457 31980 mail@flachauer-gutshof.at http://www.flachauer-gutshof.at

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Flachauer Gutshof Musistadl